Friday, December 4, 2009


Groaning softly as he comes around, the huge Ragnar rubs his temples.
He was sure he'd only drunk moderately...
Looking around he finds that he's somehow back on the Sky-ship. Staggering to his feet he leans over the side and can see an island pass by miles below. It's got a very strange looking mountain at its centre.
Slowly his memory returns to him...
A song...
An Island covered in diamonds...
His train of thought is interrupted however, by the Elf: Hawkmoon calling down from the rigging.
Is that a bird flying towards them?
No, it's too big to be a bird...
By the Mace of St Cuthbert, surely it's too massive even to fly?
Suddenly the air is rent with blasts of flame from the youthful Sorcerer and arrow after arrow zips through the sky, shot from Hawkmoon's magical bow.
Everything suddenly falls into chaos with the Sky-ship crew yelling instructions to each other,
Then, impossibly fast, the colossal creature is above them and it starts to slash and rend the fragile air-sacks over his head.
With a sickening crunch, the Sky-ship lurches sideways and down.
Ragnar's massive bulk works against him and he finds himself pitched sideways towards the side-rail.
He watches in dismay as the rigging proves just out of his reach.
For a dizzying moment Ragnar finds himself hovering in the air...
He's already calling Eolar's name when he starts to fall...

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